Huge participation of JK youth into sports shows their thirst for peace: GOC Sahi

General Officer Commanding (GOC) Kilo Force H S Sahi Saturday asserted that enmass participation of local youth into sports activities organised by Army is a clear message that people of Jammu & Kashmir want to live with peace.

GOC who was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of final match in north Kashmir’s Langate area said that Army has initiated pro-youth initiatives across valley to involve them in positive activities. “There is a growing demand from ground and youth want to participate in more positive activities. We have taken few initiatives so far and we will carry it forward” he said.

He said the enmass participation of youth into sports activities is a clear message that they want to live in peace. “Youth have taken part in sports activities which depicts their thirst for peace. We will provide them platforms so that they will shine at national and international levels”, GOC Kilo Force said.

To a querry about rehabilitation policy for militants, the GOC said that Army is providing every chance militants to surrender. Already there is a policy and we have put further points into it and sent it to central government. Once it will be approved, that too will be implemented. (KNS) 

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