NIA conducts fresh raids in Srinagar

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday conducted raids in Danderkha, Batamaloo, and Mandarbagh area of Srinagar city.

Official sources told a local news agency, Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that NIA sleuths, accompanied by paramilitary forces and police, raided houses of Ghulam Ahmad Dar, Ishfaq Ahmad Dar, and Ayoub Matta at Danderkha Batamaloo and Mushtaq Ahmad Khan at MandarBagh Srinagar, both LoC traders, on Wednesday morning and the search continued for several hours.

Since 2017, the NIA and the Enforcement Department (ED) have arrested more than two dozen pro-freedom leaders and businessmen in the Valley in alleged militancy funding cases. (KNO)

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