6 Residential Houses Gutted In Massive Blaze In Nawa Bazar Srinagar

At least six residential houses were damaged, most of them fully, in highly congested Nawa Bazar area in heart of the Old City here, official said on Thursday.

Official sources told said the fire erupted midnight at around 4:20 a.m., apparently due to short-circuitin one of the houses. Soon the fire spread and engulfed five other houses in the vicinity.

The fire was controlled with the help of fire tenders, locals and police, they said. Those whose houses were damaged include Mehraj-ud-din Khan and Ghulam Rasool (joint), Abdul Majeed Dar, Nazir Ahmed and Javiad Ahmad Dar (joint) , Abdul Qayoom Khan, Tawheed Showkat Dar, and Muneer Ahmad Dar and Mohammad Shafi Dar (joint). (GNS)

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