Advisor Baseer Khan reviews measures taken for containing Covid-19 pandemic

SRINAGAR: Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, Baseer Khan on Monday convened a meeting at Civil Secretariat here to review the initiatives of additional strategies to combat Covid-19.

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Pandurang Pole, all Deputy Commissioners of Kashmir Division, Director SKIMS Soura, Director Health Services Kashmir, Principal GMC Srinagar, and other senior officers of the concerned departments attended the meeting through video conferencing.

At the outset, the Advisor sought feedback from all the Deputy Commissioners regarding steps being taken by them for containment and management of Corona Virus.

The Advisor directed all the Deputy Commissioners of Kashmir Division and the Divisional Administration to ensure hundred percent screening and testing of chronic patients suffering from the critical diseases viz Diabetes, Cancer, Hypertension and undergoing Dialysis and those who are 60 years & above, as they are the vulnerable class and can easily succumb to the Covid 19 infection with fatality, if not screened, tested and treated at the earliest.

The Advisor emphasized upon the officers to ensure that guidelines issued by Government of India and UT administration are strictly adhered to and there is no violation of the lockdown measures in red zone areas. He asked the authorities to impose fine on the people who violate the lockdown.

He also asked them to conduct aggressive and intensive testing in their respective districts especially in the red zone areas.

The Advisor further directed that every step must be taken to ensure availability of essential commodities, medicines and other items in the red zones/lockdown areas at the doorsteps of people.

He also asked them to generate more and more awareness among the general public and involve them in the fight against COVID 19 pandemic.

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