
AIPNP President Mudasir Tantary greeted Muslim Ummah on auspicious occasion of Shab-e-Qadr

All India People’s National Party President Mr Mudasir Tantary greeted Muslim Ummah on the auspicious occasion of Lailatul Qadr (Shab-e-Qadr).

Tantary said, “Let us all treasure this night, let us see all the efforts that Allah has taken to release us from the hands of the evil ones.”

He added, “It is a good time to review  hearts and repent all our sins. Allah is there to listen to us and grant us forgiveness.”

Tantary prayed to Allah the Almighty that this night will bring much good for all Muslims in the community and those under the geography of our hearts.

Mudasir Tantary said, “we want that all of us profit from the blessings and richness of the Qadr Night, that our prayers be accepted, that humanity and particularly the Islamic world to beat the present onerous occasions as quickly as possible, the cessation of the bloodshed instantly and pray to Allah that we attain the Eid vacation on the finish of Ramadan in health, welfare, tranquility, and happiness.”

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