
Amid Covid-19 pandemic burglars steal donation box of Kulgam shrine

Kulgam: Amid Coronavirus crisis, burglars stole cash from the donation box of a shrine in South Kashmir’s Kulgam district.

Police sources told news agency KNT that burglars broke into the Ziyarat Sharief Syed Shamsudin Simnani (RA) at Frisal Kulgam and stole the donation box installed at the gate of the shrine. The burglars after stealing the box broke it outside the shrine and fled away after stealing cash from it.

A police official said that the broken donation box was recovered from the field and a case in this regard was registered and investigation set into motion.

Pertinently, most of the shrines in Valley are deserted due to government enforced lockdown in wake of Covid-19 threat.(KNT)

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