Army (34 RR) Saves Life of woman at Kulgam village

A timely response from an Indian Army ( 34 RR ) saved the life of a woman of Chak Hanjan village of Kulgam when she suffered a heart attack during heavy snowfall due to which the movement was barred.

Kulgam is receiving heavy snowfall since Saturday midnight and The roads have been blocked with accumulations of snow.

In such circumstances, “an elderly lady from chak Hanjan Suffered from Cardiac Arrest and There was no one to help them out from such a worse Situation as Heavy Snowfall has Completely Bared The Movement.
Somehow, The Family Manages to communicate with RR 34 Camp located At Behi Bagh Kulgam which is several km away from the spot,” the statement reads.

The Army team without caring for their Lives, reached the patient’s house along with Army Doctor to save the precious life, it added.

“After providing her primary aid. The army Doctor decided to shift her to a hospital for advanced treatment,” the statement said.

It reads more, The 34 RR used Their machinery and man to evacuate the Lady from the Stranded location to Anantnag Hospital.

“The Efforts Of 34 RR Saved The precious life of a lady and brought a beaming smile to the faces of the whole family.,” it added.

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