
Athorities sounds high alert all wildlife areas in J&K after Tiger tests positive in New York

Srinagar: J&K Wildlife Department sounded high alert in all zoo’s and wild life areas across J&K and advised people especially those living near forests to not venture into forest areas. The advisory has been issued after Tiger tested positive for Covid-19 in New York USA.

Order was issued by Govt of J&K Department of wildlife Protection asked people living near forest areas to take precautionary measures in wake of Tiger in New York USA tested positive of Covid-19.

The order reads, “In view of the increased frequency of the Covid-19 cases reported in Jammu and Kashmir, particular Kashmir region, also in wake of confirmation of SARS-Cov-2 (Covid-19) in A Tiger housed in Bronx Zoo, New York USA, all the zoos and wildlife areas have been kept under high alert to watch the animals on 24×7 basis”.

“Mammals like carnivores especially leopards, leopard cats and primates are potential threat of spread of the infection amongst the wild animals in the forest areas also transmission from humans to wild animals and vice versa”, order reads.

“However, it has come to light that in spite of enforcement of complete lockdown in place, people living in the fringes of forest and wildlife areas venture into these areas for collection of firewood, morels (gucchies) and other minor forest produce or even for recreational purposes”, it stated.

“It is advised that people in general and those living close to the forested and wildlife areas should refrain from moving into these areas thereby avoiding human-wildlife interface to prevent the possibility of transmission of this infection”, it said.

Earlier,Veterinary Officer at Manda Zoo said Central Zoo Authority (CZA) had geared up its men and machinery for protection of zoo’s across India after noticing the symptoms of COVID-19 in a Tiger in New York. (KNS) 

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