‘Export policy for J&K agri products to be in place soon’

Srinagar: Export policy for J&K’s agricultural products would be in place soon.This was disclosed at a meeting held today to chalk out the strategy for implementation of agriculture export policy submitted by Agriculture Processed Food Export Development Authority (APEDA), chaired by Director Agriculture Kashmir Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal.

Deliberating upon the draft paper submitted by Deputy General Manager for creating market linkages of the products produced in Kashmir viz saffron, zeera, exotic vegetables, sweet corn etc, it was resolved that a comprehensive strategy will be evolved with respect to each crop for its export and market linkages so that the farmers of the Kashmir are benefited to maximum.

“It was given to understand that Kashmir has a huge potential of exporting saffron, rice, vegetables, however, presently the market linkages to these products are seldom in place and thus there is a dire need to look into this aspect”, a media statement issued to Ziraat Times after the meeting said.

The meeting was attended by Joint Director Agriculture Extension Mohammad Muzaffer Hurrra, Joint Director Agriculture Inputs / Marketing/ PMH Amirud Din Andrabi, Joint Director Apiculture & Mushroom Development Farooq Ahmad Shah, Joint Director Seeds, Pesticides and Fertilizers Mohammad Iqbal Khan while as Deputy General Manager Shri Divendar Prasad represented the APEDA.

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