‘Fake news item was published by Duo local news Portal,’ Army, Siraj Ul Uloom Together Registered FIR Against them

The noted Religious and Modern Institution Jamia Sirajul ul Uloom of Shopian located at Hillow Imamsahib issued a statement in which they have declined the reports that the institution was pressurized by the Indian army For celebrating republic day in its premises.

The Jamia Siraj ul Uloom has celebrated the first-ever Republic day as soon as the celebration of Republic day in Siraj ul Uloom surfaced in the public domain. It Went viral and become viral on social media platforms.

On the next day, the two local news portals published a story, and in which they quote that Chairman of Siraj ul Uloom said that the indian army of 44 RR has pressurized the institution authority for the Celebration of Republic day on its premises.

Meanwhile, The Authourties of Jamia Sirajul Uloom released a official press note in which they has declined any force or pressure created by Indian army fo cellebration If Republic Day in its premises and has declined the News of duo local news Portals about their compulsion beyond The Republic Day Function.

Also, 44 RR and Siraj ul ulom together has lodged FIR against the duo news portal of for maligning the Army image and institution and FIR has been Lodged in police station Imamsahib bearing FIR No 06/2021 30/01/2021 Under Section: 153, 505, IPC.

“Media can not break the bonhomie of the local populace with Army and they can not publish anything without accountability; such nefarious aim of media to be dealt with sternly as it is against the sovereignty of India,” an official said.

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