
First positive coronavirus case in Srinagar; admin orders restrictions

Srinagar: A person has tested positive for the novel corona virus in Srinagar today.

This was confirmed by DC Srinagar Shahid Chowdhry. “There will be restrictions on public transport, assembly of people and some other measures, in #Srinagar from tomorrow. Steps are being taken in view of a positive case detected. Further updates to follow.” Choudhary wrote on his Twitter handle.

Shahid Choudhary@listenshahid

There will be restrictions on public transport, assembly of people and some other measures, in #Srinagar from tomorrow. Steps are being taken in view of a positive case detected. Further updates to follow.

The government spokesman, Rohit Kansal, also tweeted the information about the first positive case in Kashmir, and said that the positive case was reported from Khanyar area of Srinagar.

Mr. Kansal in a tweet this evening stated that the person who was tested positive has history of foreign travel, saying that he had arrived Kashmir on March 16, 2020.

He further added that the person has been put in isolation, adding that surveillance started in 300 meter area.

Mayor of Srinagar, Junaid Mattoo, also reiterated the safety guidelines and asked to every flu affected patient to opt for home quarantine.

Mayor of Srinagar✔@MayorofS

IMPORTANT: I request ALL Srinagarites to STAY at their homes from tomorrow morning and venture out ONLY when absolutely necessary. Those with ANY flu like symptoms should immediately home quarantine themselves. Report for screening/testing if symptoms worsen.

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