
Girls of today are women’s of tomorrow

by Khursheed Shah

It is clear to me that we have imperfections of the body, imperfections of mind and intellect that we are not perfect. And for that reason, we are dependent on others. We must self-sufficient to ourselves, but that does not mean independent of the help of others. We cannot gain Testimony without having the help of the Holy Quran.
We cannot do genealogy without having the help of those who came before us our forebears. And this life we experience something we cannot do this act any other place. The life we had before and the life we will have hereafter will leave our bodies, spirits, and minds in a more perfect state. But we didn’t and will not have the opportunities to give of ourselves in the same way as we can in this life. Now the serious subject here is that the women’s role from the beginning of this world. Almighty Allah made it clear that women are very special and very clearly defined her positions her duties and her destiny in the divine plan.

The women are the glory of man and also the man is nothing without women neither the women without a man. You significantly note that GOD is mentioned in connection with the great partnership and we must never forget that one of the women’s greatest privileges, blessings, and opportunities it is to be a co-partner with God in bringing his spirit children into the world.

It is great concern to all who understand  this glorious concept that SATAN and his cohorts are using scientific  argument and nefarious propaganda to lure women away from their primary Responsibilities as wives ,mothers and homemakers .We hear so much about emancipation,independence  sexual liberation ,birth control and  other insidious  propaganda belittling the role of motherhood all of which  is Satan’s  way of destroying  women  the home the family  the Basic and fundamental unit of society.

So effective tools include nowadays is the use of social sites roughly, television where immodest dress drugs and alcohol daily take a tremendous toll through the destruction of virtue and chastity and even lives. With modern electronic devices of communication and speedy transportation much more people than would be possible otherwise and is having its degrading influence and effect.

Yes, drugs and alcohols are available to young and old in alarming quantity and are destroying the moral values and further deteriorating the minds and thought processes of those who succumb to devilish wiles.

GIRL’S PLAYS a variety of significant roles in our society from their birth till the end of life because it is so important that you young girls keep yourselves away from this kind of pollution. The important point which I want to write honestly and deeply is that the Girl of today are the women of tomorrow, and it is necessary that you prepare for that role.Can you imagine the kind of world We will have in the future if the girls of today are weakened morally to the extent that virtue will be not taught in their homes and if their children if any are not nurtured within the walls of homes sanctified by the holy laws of the Quran.

IT is impossible to estimate that lasting influence for good a woman can have any of these roles. Let me remind us all of her primary  Responsibilities.

Firstly of all as I mentioned before she is co-partner with God in bringing his spirit children into the world. What a glorious concept of loving and caring for children so they might learn their duty as citizens as what they must do to return to their heavenly farther they must be taught to understand the holy Quran and to accept and live its teachings. As children understand the purpose of life why they are here. Where they are going they will have a reason for choosing the right and avoiding the temptations and buffetings of SATAN who is so real and determined to destroy them.

A mother has a far greater influence on her children than anyone else and she must realize that every word she speaks, every act every response, her attitude even her appearance and manner of dress affects the lives of her children and the whole family .it is while that the child is in the home as a first student of his/her carrier that he or she gains from his mother.

The attitude the hopes and belief that will determine  that kind of life he will live and contribution he make to society.Almighty said it is not good that man should be alone!i will make him an help meet He meant just that and so presented Eve to Adam(A’S).

IT is also said that behind every good man there is a good woman  and it is experience  for women and it is my personal experience and observation that is generally true. I heard it from my Dad He always use this kashmiri phrase of


Girls, you are of great strength and support to the men in your lives and sometimes need your help most when we are least deserving. A man can have no greater incentive, no greater hope no greater strength then to know his mother his daughter or his sweetheart has confidence in him and loves him and men should strive every day to live worthy of that love and confidence.

I have seen many people found of sayings that women are weaker instruments  but I don’t believe in it physically they may be but spiritually morally and religiously and in faith woman can match a man.women are more Ernest in prayer.

As women realize the importance of the home and family and keep the commandments of God to multiple and replenish the earth to love the Lord and your neighbors as yourselves to teach your children to Pray and to walk uprightly before him then will your joy increased and your blessings multiplied to extent that you will hardly be able to control them.

At last these blessings  will be joy and rejoicing in your posterity of health ,happy children which blessings those who reject the way of life will never know.There will be peace  and satisfaction  in the accomplishments of children who succeed  and in turn to make their own contribution to making this as a better world  for generations yet unborn.

Shah khursheed Student of GDC Baramulla.

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