
India elected non-permanent member of UN Security Council

The United Nations Security Council’s permanent and non-permanent members have congratulated India and three other newly-elected countries on their election to the powerful UN organ, saying they look forward to working with them on the issues of international peace and security.

Along with India, Ireland, Mexico and Norway also won the Security Council elections held on Wednesday.

US Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Kelly Craft, congratulated veteran Turkish diplomat and parliamentarian Volkan Bozkir, who was elected as the President of the 75th session of the General Assembly as well as India, Ireland, Mexico and Norway who won the election to the Security Council for the non-permanent seats.

India, the endorsed candidate from the Asia-Pacific States, won 184 votes out of the 192 ballots cast in the elections for the five non-permanent seats of the UN Security Council, the world organisation’s most powerful organ.

In 2021, India, Norway, Ireland and Mexico will sit in the UNSC along with five permanent members — China, France, Russia, the UK and the US as well as non-permanent members Estonia, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia and Vietnam.

The two-year terms of Belgium, Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia and South Africa are ending this year. (PTI)

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