
JK Teachers Forum extended its support to Enrollment drive of government

JK Teachers Forum announced its support and Cooperation to the Govt’s move of “Enrollment Drive” in goverenment schools and emphasised upon all District & Zonal Leadership to extend their support to concerned Educational authorities so that the drive will gain a momentum.

President EJAC and Chairman JK Teachers Forum Mr. Mohd Rafique Rather extended his support and cooperation to Education authorities in its Enrollment drive, calling it an innovative endeavor to attract the students from 6- 14 years for enrollment in government schools, statement reads.

Mr. Rafique Rather has advised its Central, Provisional, District and Zonal Leadership to participate in the enrollment drive in making it successful.

Mr. Rather while seeking cooperation from the parents said the performance of Govt Schools for the last several years is satisfactory and results are improving at a rapid speed. He added that the Government is providing several facilities in these schools including free textbooks, free uniforms, MDM, etc. Even government schools offer the facilities of scholarships & platforms to the skilled youth to excel at local, national & even international levels.

He said that government School teachers are highly qualified, efficient, skilled and dedicated and are ready to deliver.

He said, declining enrollment has put a question mark on our credibility which we need to take care of.”

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