
Ladakh’s BJP president resigns against ‘failure Of UT admin’

Srinagar: President of Bharatiya Janata Party of Union Territory of Ladakh, Cherring Dorjay Lakruk resigned from his political position and from primary membership of BJP “in protest against utter failure of UT administration Ladakh in evacuating passengers, patients, pilgrims, and students stranded at different places throughout India.”

In a press release issued by Lakruk, he adds that the UT administration “is utterly insensitive and callous about the pathetic condition of our stranded people”. Currently, there is an on-going nationwide lockdown to contain the spread of COVID-19 till 17 May. Earlier this week, the Ministry of Home Affairs had allowed the movement of stranded people to home states/UTs — to be facilitated by the state/UT government.

“The UT administration has rendered autonomous hill councils of Leh and Kargil completely ineffective by not allowing them to function as per the council act,” Lakruk says in the statement. “The people of Ladakh have sacrificed a lot to achieve the autonomous status for the two districts.”

The BJP national president, Jagat Prakash Nadda, had appointed Chering Dorjay as the chief of BJP’s Ladakh unit in March.

In the statement, Lakruk further said: “I have expressed my doubts about these problems well in time to the party high command through video conferencing. I am pained to see the patriotic people of Ladakh who have stood with our armed forces in all the wars fought by our nation since 1948 are treated so shabbily and with disrespect by the UT administrators.”

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