Militant injured in brief shoot out, arrested in North Kashmir: Police

Handwara: A militant was arrested after he was injured in a shootout in Langate area of Handwara in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district.

An official told the news agency—Kashmir news observer (KNO) that militants attacked govt forces party in Langate area of Handwara and one militant was injured in retaliation by forces.

Meanwhile, a top official said that the militant was arrested in injured condition, adding that he has joined the militant ranks recently.

He said that the militant has been Abrar, son of Gh Hassan Gojri of Azadgunj Baramulla.

The official said that rhe arrested militant was earlier a stone pelter and two FIRs are already registered against him, adding that later on he started working as an OGW and joined the ranks recently—(KNO)

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