
Military option on table if LAC talks fail: Gen Rawat

With diplomatic and military talks on resolving the military standoff between Indian and Chinese troops along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh not making much headway, Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat Monday said India has “military options” available, but these will be used only if talks fail, Indian Express reported.

This is the first time that a senior military officer has spoken publicly on the “transgressions by the Chinese” and the option of military force to deal with the border crisis in Ladakh.

General Rawat told the ANI news agency that “the military options to deal with transgressions by the Chinese army in Ladakh are on, but it will be exercised only if the talks at the military and diplomatic levels fail”.

His statement comes even as the government prepares for another round of military talks with China to try and break the stalemate over disengagement of troops in Pangong Tso and the Gogra Post area.

Last Saturday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh held a meeting with NSA Ajit Doval, General Rawat and the three services chiefs.

India has been demanding status quo ante — of troops on both sides returning to locations before the standoff. Failing to achieve a breakthrough, India has begun preparing for extended deployment on the LAC.

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