NC demands end to border skirmishes

SRINAGAR: Jammu and Kashmir National Conference on Saturday called for an end to skirmishes on Line of Control (LoC) in J&K saying it is the people living along LoC who continue to bear the brunt of escalating tensions between the two neighboring countries.

The flaring –up of tensions between India and Pakistan along LoC has made the lives of locals living there no less than a terrible nightmare, the situation there has remained as it is since long, making the lives of locals miserable, Party’s Member of Muhammad Akbar Lone said while expressing concern over the soaring tensions near LoC areas.

“People living along LoC are distressed over continued shelling from across the border which has resulted in loss of lives and property. This has become an everyday affair now but those who can actually stop it from happening are not doing enough. There is no substitute to talks and that only dialogue between the two frosty and rival neighbours can bring an end to border skirmishes. If dialogue could be employed as a medium to deescalate soaring up tensions with China, why can’t it be done with Pakistan?” he said.

“Fallout of such skirmishes along LoC is being excruciatingly felt by the people who along with their belongings and livestock have become the cannon fodder of these hostilities. These skirmishes also have a chilling effect on the economic activities of the people, dwelling in border areas. Caught between the devil and the deep sea, they aren’t able to manage their household chores and look after their farms. Peace on the border is far more indispensable since any fall out has a direct impact on the daily lives of the locals. Ubiquitous tension on borders besides affecting the economic activities also causes mental trepidation to the elderly and children,” he added.

Lone, while calling for an end to border skirmishes urged the government to take a review of stock positions of all essentials in border areas. He also asked the government to initiate work on all major developmental works in the areas flanking LoC without any delay.

Meanwhile, party functionaries including Vice President North Zone Dr Sajad Shafi Uri, Kafil Ur Rehman, Mir Saifullah have also appealed for restraint on borders. The functionaries have also urged the government to resume developmental activities in the north Kashmir areas.

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