
Pakistani Court Overturns Death Sentence of Accused Killer of Journalist Daniel Pearl

ISLAMABAD – A Pakistani court Thursday overturned on appeal the death sentence of a man accused of kidnapping and beheading Wall Street Journalreporter Daniel Pearl, sentencing him to seven years in prison for kidnapping only, and acquitted three of his co-accused.

British-born Ahmed Omer Saeed Sheikh had been on death row since his conviction 18 years ago. Three others, Fahad Naseem, Salman Saqib, and Sheikh Adil, were serving life sentences.

The prosecution could appeal the verdict in the Supreme Court.

Defense attorney Khwaja Naveed Ahmed told VOA Sheikh was not even charged with murder at the time of his arrest in 2002, before news of Pearl’s murder became public. He was only charged with kidnapping and handing Pearl over to someone else. The charge of murder was added once a video of Pearl’s beheading surfaced, he said.

“The prosecution’s story was that Sheikh became friends with Pearl because he could speak French and had graduated from the London School of Economics,” Ahmed said, adding that after today’s verdict he is expected to be released in a day or two.

Pearl, the newspaper’s South Asia bureau chief, was kidnapped while investigating religious extremists in Karachi. His beheading made headlines around the world and the international outcry forced Pakistan to take swift action against the perpetrators.

Later, a detailed report issued by a Georgetown University investigative journalism project called the Pearl Project, claimed Pearl had been beheaded by al-Qaida’s Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.(VoA)

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