Shopian Gunfight: Five militants killed, operation on

8 militants killed sofar in last 24 hours in South Kashmir

Shopian: Eight militants were killed in last 24 hours in southern region of Kashmir as one more militant has been killed in an ongoing gunfight in Bandpawa area of south Kashmir’s Shopian district, taking the toll to 5.

Reports said that one more militant was killed in the gunfight.

they added operation is underway as more militants might be hiding in the area. He said firing has been stopped now but operation is underway.

Four bodies have been recovered while search for fifth one is on, reports said.

Earleir, A team of Police, Army’s 44 RR and CRPF launched a cordon and search operation on specific information about the presence of militants in the area.

Pertinently, Director General of Police Dilbagh Singh on Friday said that all three militants have been killed in Meej Pampore area of South Kashmir.

DGP in a tweet said, Two Militants hiding in the mosque killed by the operation party. With this, all three Militants trapped at Meej, Pampore are killed. Further search of the area is on.

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