SMC Demolishes illegal constructions in city

Srinagar Municipal Corporation conducted demolitions of illegal constructions at various places in the city.

In a statement issued to news agency-kashmir news service(KNS), The Enforcement wing of the Corporation along with concerned Enforcement Officer and ward officer under the supervision of Chief Enforcement Officer Ghulam Rasool Dar went to the sites where illegal constructions were found.

One illegal structure at Baghat Chowk was demolished during the drive.

The demolitions were also conducted in Saidpora, Galvanpora and Batamaloo

Meanwhile two illegal structures one at Mehjoor Nagar bund and another at Kursu Rajbagh Bund were sealed down In violation of sanctioned building permission during the drive..

The Chief Enforcement Officer has appealed people of Srinagar city to obtain proper building permission before taking up any construction (KNS). 

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