
Three Days Martial Art Camp Held At Shopian

Martial arts unit Shopian held three days training cum tracking camp at Padapawan Shopian with the motive to attract childrens towards sports activeties and dessiminate the message of game

Several number of Students participated in the camp and Showed their skills in martial art. The players of different age groups participated in the camp and got awareness about the Importance of Sports .

Meanwhile, The Army CO of 44 battalion Colonel AK sing was Chief guest at the function. He encourage children in his brief Speech. Colonel said that the Sports is only weapon which will make you physically and psychologically strong.

He Encouraged the martial art learners that spend your time in reading and In sports. Further, he added that Indian army is always in public service in terms of Providing children well Sports atmosphere. As indian army believes that Sports is having a main role in making bright future of a person and keep children away from unlawful acts.

The participants thanked Colonel AK Singh for his encouraging words and make a promise that they would never do what their parents would be ashamed of.

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