Court quashes detention of Kashmir youth lodged at Agra Jail under PSA

Jammu Kashmir High Court Friday issued directions to authorities to release a North Kashmir detenue lodged at Agra Jail of Uttar Pradesh.

The court of Justice Rajesh Oswal issued this direction after annulling the detention of Kashmiri youth under Public Safety Act.

Advocate Bashir Ahmed Tak who represented the detained youth told News Agency Kashmir News Trust that police had arrested Nazir Ahmed Tantray son of Ghulam Mohiuddin, a fruit vendor by profession on 5 August 2019, shortly after the abrogation of special status of Jammu and Kashmir.

The detenue, a resident of Palhalan Pattan was booked by police and subsequently he was shifted to Agra Jail under contentious Public Safety Act.

Advocate Bashir Ahmed Tak contended that the detenue is illiterate and a vendor by profession who barely known ABC of law. He said the police didn’t give him grounds of detention except putting it on paper that he was a stone-pelter.

He argued that the detenue has been booked in old cases on flimsy grounds.

The court after hearing the arguments quashed the detention of detenue under Public Safety Act and directed the government to release youth in question from Agra Jail. (KNT)

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