Director Handicrafts & Handloom Kashmir reviews Artisan Database and MIS

In connection with the creation of a comprehensive database of artisans in J&K, Director Handicrafts and Handloom Kashmir, Mahmood Ahmad Shah, today reviewed the overall progress on the project while inaugurating the one day training programme of MIS imparted to the Departmental Officers on Wednesday at NIELTS Rangreth Srinagar.

This initiative was taken on the directions of the Commissioner/Secretary to Government I&C Department, Manoj Kumar Dwivedi, a statement issued to Ziraat Times said.

Till date some comprehensive details of approx 2.75 lakh artisans and weavers have been generated which stand uploaded on the MIS and the project is expected to be completed by April 2021.

“The database of artisans is being created by the M/s Spectrum Planning India Pvt Ltd which has been hired by the Project Management Unit and implemented by Project Implementation Unit I&C under Jehlum Tawi Flood Recovery project. The training programme was imparted to the officers who are performing their duties as District Coordinators of Kashmir Division.The aim of this exercise is to so enlist the artisans in the database that will be linked to the international market and the policies will be  developed for the benefit and welfare of the artisans be profitable based on the algorithm of the information which can be generated from the database”, the statement added.

On the occasion Director Handicrafts and Handlooms Kashmir emphasized on the officers to gain as much as from the training programmee so that the same can be implemented on the ground which will help to frame the route map for the upliftment of the Artisan Community.

On the occasion, besides the team of M/S Spectrum Planning India Pvt Ltd, the officers of the Industries and Commerce Department associated with project Implementation were also present.

Further, the agency would also undertake a similar training program for the Jammu-based officers of the Handicrafts Handloom Department very soon.

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