Lightning strike kills three in Poonch

Poonch: A lightning strike killed three persons, including a young couple, in a remote village in Poonch district of Jammu on Tuesday, reported a local news agency, Global News Service (GNS).

Unnamed officials told GNS that last night, at around 11:30 pm, lightning struck Gumsar Dhoke in Surankote area of the Poonch district, killing three persons including Mohammad Hassiq and his wife Zarina Akther (30) of Lathong, and Javied Ahmed (38) of Lassana.

All three persons including the husband-wife died on the spot, they said. Reports suggest there are no whereabouts so far about the couple’s child and searches are underway.

Incharge police-post Behramgalla Mohammad Rafiq said: “A police party reached at Dhoke and the bodies have been shifted.” They had gone for grazing animals in the remote area, officials added. (GNS)

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