
Meet Tajamul Islam, entrepreneur of Srinagar

A 23 years old Tajamul Islam, CEO of Millionaire Mentors Team from Srinagar district of Jammu and Kashmir is spreading magic. 

Tajamul Islam is CEO of Millionaire Mentors Team, a workplace that helps companies to find their social voices and build their digital brands through micro content and other story telling actions.

Tajamul Islam is additionally a co-founder of the Millionaire Mentors Team.

Tajamul believes, Successful entrepreneurs have a transparent vision of what their business are getting to be and should concisely articulate its purpose, goals and market position. they have identified (and can succinctly describe) the who, what, where, when and why of their business.

He added, a successful entrepreneur is enthusiastic to their business. it’s diligence , and fixing long hours are getting to be tough if you don’t love what you’re doing. People with passion know what it’s that drives them to remain working to understand their vision.

“Entrepreneurs remain tough when the going gets rough. They don’t fork over easily. they’re going to accept rejection and are willing to seek out from their mistakes. they’re willing and prepared to adapt and modify their plan so on achieve success subsequent time around,” he said.

Being an successful entrepreneur is typical than being an employee. to realize success , the entrepreneur must be willing to put within the time and energy required, often for little or no pay at the beginning . Successful entrepreneurs recognize the danger and necessary work that achieving their goals will entail, Tajamul said.

He believes successful people believe in themselves and their business. They have to believe in their ability and their idea. Every entrepreneur will face rejection along the way and successful entrepreneurs are those with the arrogance to remain going and recover after a setback.

After graduating from college in 2018, In August 2019 Tajamul Islam stepped faraway from the offline business to create Online Business and , a digital marketing for entrepreneurs.

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