
Sanjay Raina resigns as Vice-President of All India Kashmiri Samaj

He submitted his resignation to AIKS President

New Delhi: In a major setback to All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS), it’s senior member Sanjay Raina, left the position of Vice-Chair.

Sanjay Raina, who is also president of the KP Sabha Chandigarh, said in a statement, “The AIKS President, Dr Romesh Raina, works in an egocentric way and is not able to empower his team. His main focus is growing himself rather than the team.”

“The recent publication of the so-called “vision/ concept paper” on the return and rehabilitation of the KP community was not endorsed by all affiliates and members of the community,” he said, adding, “Even KP families living in camps in Jammu and the valley did not approve the document.”

He said, “Dr Raina, as ever, ignored wise counsel and works like a ringleader.”

Sanjay Raina said that we are here to advance the cause of Kashmiri Pandits. “But the incumbent AIKS President uses the platform for his personal interests to the detriment of the organization and the community.”

He said, “Dr Raina does not have an executable plan for the community’s welfare, except to appropriate the ideas of others.”

“Many AIKS affiliates, life and patron members have expressed their anxiety about the situation in India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS),” he added.

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