Weather will improve gradually from today: Sonam Lotus

Srinagar: Director Metrological Department Sonam Lotus today said the weather will start improving from today afternoon.

Talking to KNS, he said, “Heavy snowfall happened. Kashmir is not new to snowfalls. Snowfall has started receding from yesterday night in north Kashmir. But still, snowfall will continue in central and south Kashmir till afternoon. However, the intensity of the snowfall will gradually start minimizing today morning. There was sufficient rainfall in Jammu also.

He added, “Moisture is in the atmosphere. Heavy snowfall and heavy rainfall won’t happen in coming days. But there can snow/rainfall at isolated places. Today it will remain cloudy Tommorw sun will come out,” he told KNS.

He requested people to open doors/windows frequently to ensure enough supply of oxygen in their homes and remain safe. If not it will cause death due to Asphyxiation (Due to Poisonous gas Carbon monoxide from your Bukharies/Heaters etc in your home). Ensure proper ventilation and be safe.”(KNS)

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